Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going to Target

 I LOVE going to Target. It is three turns from our house and it is an excellent escape from the day to day stuff. Do you remember what my favorite toy is? That is right, a ball. I love the big red balls that are in front of Target. If I am good, Mom lets me touch one on the way in and on the way out.

    When we are in Target I get to see lots of bright colors and different shapes. My favorite part, other than seeing the red ball, is seeing all the people. I love waving and making people smile. Are you being the type of person that make others smile? Are you sweet and kind to those you meet? We all need to be Jesus to those around us.
I will be praying that wherever you go, you will bring joy to other people. Whether you are in Target, at school, at home or in Uganda, show others Jesus’ love.

Pray for me as we are starting our big travels to PA, IN, MI, KY and FL. We will be gone a month. For details or our trip you'll have to look at mom and dad's blog. I don't care about the details, its not like I get a say... I just get strapped in and taken. I am excited about the trip but there will be lots of hours in the car seat. Pray for my patience and mom's attitude, she gets cranky being in the car. Keep checking back, I will post pictures from our travels.

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